
Showing posts with the label Same-sex Marriage

Supreme Court Rules for Colorado Baker Who Refused to Make Same-Sex Wedding Cake

Talk about Digging Up Your Lede and Making a Mountain out of It

Why Masterpiece Cakeshop case could bring a major Supreme Court ruling on free expression

Air Force punishes colonel over marriage views

North Carolina Lawmakers Present Bill Declaring Supreme Court ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling ‘Null and Void’

D.C. church's lesbian co-pastors spark 'concern'

Trump on 60 Minutes: Same-Sex Marriage ‘Settled’ and ‘I’m Fine With That’

Kaine cites Genesis 1, pope to support gay marriage

Just in time for Gay Pride Month: the “Rainbow Christ Prayer”

Mississippi religious liberty law challenged

Roy Moore suspended from office: Alabama chief justice faces removal over gay marriage stance

Mississippi Gov. Signs Religious Freedom Law Protecting Right to Decline Part in Same-Sex Ceremonies

State laws help pastors decline gay weddings

Alabama Supreme Court Unanimously Dismisses Pleas to Defy U.S. Supreme Court’s ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio Campaigns Employ Gay Marriage Supporters

‘Pastor Protection Act’ Unanimously Passes Georgia House

Trump Promises 'More Forward Motion' on 'Gay Equality' Under Presidency

What happened in Tennessee? A bill to defend marriage killed by Christians and GOP

The Present Intolerance To Christianity

South Carolina Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Interpose Against Supreme Court Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Ruling