
Showing posts with the label American History

Political Sermons From The Past: The Essential Rights And Liberties Of Protestants by Elisha Williams

Political Sermons From The Past: Unlimited Submission And Non-Resistance To The Higher Powers By Jonathan Mayhew

Political Sermons From The Past: A Sermon On The Anniversary Of The Independence Of America by Samuel Miller

A Puritan Critique of Contemporary Christian Nationalist Proposals

23 Years Later: We still remember those who died and the heroes of September 11, 2001

Review: Religion and American Foreign Policy, 1945–1960: The Soul of Containment By William Inboden

When the People Rule: The Principle of Popular Sovereignty in the U.S. Declaration and Constitution

US Supreme Court rules on presidential immunity

Oklahoma education leader orders public school to incorporate Bible into lessons

The Damning Delusion of Wrong Notions

The 80th Anniversary of D-Day: Remembering and emulating our heroes


Modern Protest Culture is Crippled by Internet-Brain

Empty Sky Liberalism and the Post-Christian World

Christianity and Politics XI: From the Reformation to Early America

The Christian and Politics

Do You Want to Make America Great Again?

George Washington - 1st President of the United States (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799)


Samuel Davies, Champion of Liberty, Part Two