
Showing posts from May, 2017

Keeping Memorial Day Memorable

Boasting Bad – James 4.13-17

Identification of Child Porn Site Creator Results in 900 Arrests Worldwide, Over 300 Children Rescued

Social Constructionism (2)

Report: School-Issued Devices Spying on Kids

The Groanings of this Present Age

TX governor signs bill to 'shield' pastors' sermons

ChinaAid: Tortured legal assistant breaks silence on human rights crackdown

A Personal Testimony Regarding Volunteering and Working at VOM

The Marks of a Cult: A Biblical Analysis with Eric Holmberg

This Week in History: The Philadelphia Convention Begins

Social Constructionism

Planned Parenthood to Close Its Only Wyoming Location for Financial Reasons

Activists Arrested in KY for Blockading Abortion Clinic Doors

Blockading Abortion Clinic Doors and Personal Sin

10 Arrested Blocking Entrance to Kentucky’s Last Abortion Facility to Prevent Murder of Unborn

Operation Save America: Rescue in Kentucky

Interposition and Rescue at the Gates of Hell

Weapons of Mass Distraction

Singleness of Purpose

Human trafficking foe enlists churches for the cause

Education and the Victimhood Mentality

Oklahoma House Passes Resolution to Stop Murder of Unborn Children

Tokens of the Divine Displeasure

U.S. House Votes to Reduce Planned Parenthood Funding for One Year Under Republican Healthcare Bill

Flashback 2003: “the INKster” & “the Rev. Holy Man Doug Wilson”

Domestic Abuse and the Church

Mother of Miracle Boy Born With Two Percent of Brain Combats Killing of Unborn Disabled Children

USCIRF cites Russia, 3 terrorist groups for violations

All Five SC Republicans in US House vote to Fund Planned Parenthood, Not Border Wall

Florida [Math] Teacher Accused of Promoting Homosexual Advocacy in Math Classroom