
Showing posts with the label Revoice

Memorial Presbyterian Church Session (St. Louis, MO) Recommends Withdrawal from PCA

Rosaria Butterfield: "I Reject the False Teaching of Revoice/Side B Theology"

A Letter to PCA Friends from England

FAQ on Same-Sex Attraction, Temptation, Desire, and Sin

Revoice: Sliding into Heresy

God’s Ordinary Deliverance from the Sin of Homosexuality: A Testimony

PCA church hosts LGBT arts festival

Revoice, Nashville, And The Therapeutic Revolution

Reconsidering Revoice & its Advocates

Revoice and God's Design for the Family

Revoice, Evangelical Culture, and the Return of an Old Friend

Al Mohler Expresses Concern Over Gay Christian Revoice Conference

Revoice in their own voice