
Welcome to Christian Heritage News!

About the Editor (My Testimony):
Angela Wittman, editor

I am a Confessional and Reformed Christian; plus the editor of Christian Heritage News, Christian Life News and the Morning Studies.

After becoming a Christian in 1976 and falling out of church fellowship for a number of years, the LORD renewed my new birth in Christ in 1992.  He then soon had me involved with local Christian activists as a member of the Illinois Christian Coalition (1994) and then as a county chapter leader in 1995 (the same year I was elected to the Waterloo School Board).

I joined the Constitution Party of Illinois and served as an officer from May 2001 until my resignation in January 2005. During this period of time I was very active politically as a grass root's leader and organizer.

For several years I wrote an "Opinion Shaper" column for our local newspaper and many of those articles are now archived at my personal blog.

I also spent many years ministering to the lost and speaking on behalf of the preborn at the local abortuaries. I also served as a volunteer with Christians for Personhood, Christian Exodus and the Christian Liberty Party. 

While serving as an officer in the Constitution Party of Illinois, I began a weekly e-newsletter called the Christian Heritage News which eventually became this blog. So, while the format has changed during the past two decades, the basic premise of sharing informative Christian news and editorials with others has not changed.

Please know that even though all effort is made to only publish and share solid Christian news, commentary and information, Christian Heritage News does not necessarily endorse all that you may read in the articles posted or at the sites of the news providers to which you will be linked. Please use Biblical discernment. 


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