
Showing posts with the label Trump Administration

'What if Biden did it?'

Lifeway Research: Evangelicals want secure borders and citizenship pathway for immigrants

Should Christian Ministries Take Government Funds?

Hispanic Baptist leaders say loss of ‘sensitive locations’ rule hurts Church

Pam Bondi to be next Attorney General after Gaetz drops out

New Developments Amid Sordid Allegations Against Gaetz as Attorney General Nominee

Liberty Counsel: 'Matt Gaetz Is Not Qualified To Be U.S. Attorney General'

'Twitter Files' Exposes White House Suppressed Information from Medical Experts About COVID-19

5 Key Takeaways from the Second Jan. 6 Committee Hearing

Christian Leaders and Controversies: The Case of Francis Collins

Biden Administration Reverses Trump-Era Regulations on Fetal Tissue Research

USPIE Response to Secretary DeVos and Kellyanne Conway Remarks at 2020 CPAC

US Dept. of Labor Proposes Rule to Protect Rights of Religious Entities That Contract With Federal Govt.

ChinaAid signs letter asking President Trump to make religious freedom a top priority in U.S.- China relations

Federalizing School Choice Could Be Trump’s Common Core

SCOTUS: Trump's ban on trans military service stands

Setback for US Pastor Brunson as Turkey Retaliates Against Trump

North Korea Releases Three American Christians from Prison

The Briefing: New government office to protect religious freedom

Three Observations About Betsy DeVos’ Speech at AEI