
Showing posts with the label Church Government

Sons of Charlatanry

FBC Alexandria ‘no longer in friendly cooperation’ with SBC over views on female pastors

What the Philadelphia 11 can teach the SBC

A Word about Spurgeon and Female Pastors

1 Cor. 14:34-35 and the role of women in the church

On a Journey to Women’s Ordination and Beyond?

Female Ordination, the Gay Clergy, and the Crisis of the Modern Church

Markers on the way-station of downgrade: Exhibit A, Aimee Byrd

The OPC, GRACE, Diane Langberg, and Critical Theory, Part 1: Critical Theory

PCA Progressives Outmaneuver Conservatives… Once Again

Standing with the Little Guys

How To Turn Complementarians into Egalitarians

'The Church Is A Pasture Not A Business'

Who will protect the church?

Aiming for Godly Growth in 2018

Why Discipleship Works with a Plurality of Elders

Is a Plurality of Elders for Southern Baptists?