
Showing posts with the label Biblical Discernment

What Is Evangelicalism?

The Failure Of The Antioch Declaration

Yes, Vote, but Resist the Political Illusion

Plundering the Mercenaries: On Knowing What Time It Is

Should Christians Give the Middle Finger to Idolatry?

The Federal Vision and Sin

The PCA’s Investigation of 'Jesus Calling' is a Measured and Appropriate Step

Jesus Calling and the PCA

Presbyterian Church In America (PCA) Votes to Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’

Preterism Exposed: the Heresy of Hymenaeus

The Sanction of Sin

The Cult of Lori Alexander (The Transformed Wife)

Review: The Case for Christian Nationalism By Stephen Wolfe

In Defense of Patriarchy

The Program-Driven Church

Distinguishing Spheres Affirms Christ’s Lordship Over All Things (Part 1)

Mere Christendom: A Review

Why Not Both?

Satan's Feigned Retreat

Love and Obey: The Way of the Believer