
Showing posts with the label Christian

What was wrong with Trump’s appearance at Liberty

Iranian pastor Fathi freed from prison

Christians Among Those Killed in San Bernardino Muslim Massacre

Garrett Swasey’s Last Sermon

Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1789

Thanksgiving and our Christian heritage

VETERANS DAY: Iwo Jima: young Marine's faith endured

10 Tips for using Facebook effectively in Christian witness

What Can We Do to Help Persecuted Christians Survive this Tsunami of Violence?

Christian, Protestant, Reformed, Evangelical: The Need for Labels

Pray for Your Pastor

Rewriting history to fit family integrated church prejudices

Sexual Purity: Restoring My Heart After Sexual Sin

Obergefell: Practical Implications

Ex-’Gay’ Umbrella Ministry – Restored Hope Network – Rejects ‘Gay Christian’ Formulation and Celibate Homosexual ‘Spiritual Friendships’

Sweden: Christian refugees moved from asylum accommodation after threats by Islamists

Is Jesus a libertarian? A friendly response to Jason Peirce

Iran deal: persecuted church 'left behind'

Entire Staff of Tennessee County Clerk’s Office Resigns Over Supreme Court ‘Gay Marriage’ Ruling

Sexual hegemony grows: laid off from