Rewriting history to fit family integrated church prejudices

By Pastor Shawn Mathis:

“The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him.” Proverbs 18:17
It is not uncommon among conservatives to view the past through the prejudices of the present. David Barton’s poorly researched book on Jefferson is a reminder that the problem is real. This means conservatives should be vigilant in vetting organizations that claim history is on their side.

Consider the National Center for Family Integrated Churches (NCFIC). They denounce age-segregated discipleship, like Sunday schools. It is clear that their president, Scott Brown, believes history is on his side:

“What we advocate at the NCFIC is nothing new, but is rather the practice of historic Christianity…”

The NCFIC will be in the Denver area in about a week, seeking feedback about their confession, hoping to entice more conservative churches into their orbit. Do they practice good research?

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