Free Speech

 Posted at Christian News:

Published January 19, 2024

People enslaved to sin cannot be truly free, even in speaking. So, “free speech” to the world has become a free-for-all. It means saying whatever you want, no matter how hurtful, untruthful, or harmful. But that is an immoral way to define speech. Without the Lord’s freedom, which is from sin—not the permission to be unloving and inconsiderate—no tongue is free.

A slave does not have a choice; he must obey. So having civil freedoms cannot grant spiritual freedom. That is why the world is struggling to figure out what is free speech—it does not have real freedom and cannot grasp it in unbelief. As people move away from God and respect for His law, they move away from righteousness and love. Freedom cannot be comprehended or used properly by those not free from sin in the heart and mind.

The word “free” cannot guarantee anything, nor does an outline of civil liberties, like the U.S. constitution, mean the people using it will experience freedom. There is no freedom without the Holy Spirit. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor. 3:17). An unbeliever, without the Spirit of Christ, cannot be free in any true sense.


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