Defining the Terms of Cultural Marxism

Child Protection League

 Posted at the Child Protection League:

Much of the language being used today in schools, the workplace, and culture is intentionally deceptive. A whole vocabulary is in use that masks a politicized Culture War agenda. Familiar words have been redefined, and new words are intentionally misleading. To understand and expose the terms of Cultural Marxism and to be effective, we must “decode” the meanings of common terminology.

This dictionary of Cultural Marxist terms and their meanings, Defining the Terms of Cultural Marxism, is available on our website as a printable, shareable, and downloadable PDF. Bring it with you the next time you’re in a discussion about Social Emotional Learning, Critical Race Theory, equity, diversity, inclusion, social justice, cultural competency, etc.

The following are a few of those terms. The entire list is on our website titled Defining the Terms of Cultural Marxism.

The worldview promoted by Karl Marx which asserts that all people are divided into two classes–the exploited class (proletariat) versus the ruling class (bourgeoisie). Marx predicted that the exploited class would rise up and take over the ruling class and create a classless society with a socialist economy. He said: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” All Marxism is officially atheistic and accordingly holds that morality does not exist. For this reason, Marxists see themselves as free to engage in immoral behavior of any kind. Don’t expect Marxists to tell the truth, value basic human rights, or respect human life.
