Accommodation or Submission, Which Will You Choose?

 By Al Baker - Posted at Forget None of His Benefits:

“Do not be conformed to this world, Romans 12:2. Submit, therefore to God.”
-James 4:7
Women in ministry, homosexuality, and Critical Race Theory are a trifecta which is threatening evangelical and Reformed churches in the U.S. Grace Church DC, a PCA congregation in Washington D.C., recently advertised their ministry of “shepherdesses”.[1] “Shepherdesses will also assist the Elders in overseeing the spiritual well-being of the flock and advise the elders on matters of governance. They will be publicly examined, called, and commissioned by the Session.”

A book entitled Help(H)er: A Churchwide Response for Women in Crisis, written by staff members Bernie Lawrence and Anne Marie Goudzwaard of Christ Covenant PCA in Matthews, North Carolina, addresses the issue of women in ministry. The book deals with women assisting women, which of course, is a very needed ministry. What should concern us, however, is the co-opting of language. They term “shepherdess” is clearly meant to communicate a quasi, official ministry, which may serve alongside the elders of the church. There is no doubt the Session at Grace DC, PCA, Washington D.C. sees it this way.

Notice how the terms “social justice”, “same-sex attraction”, and “Side B Homosexuality” have been injected in recent years into the church lexicon. Words mean something. We saw this many years ago with the words “Pro-choice” and “women’s reproductive rights” put forth by pro-abortion advocates. When we choose to use the words of the world these words very soon are accepted by the church. It is not long before the actions behind these words are readily acceptable by the church as well.

Why does this happen? It is the same old same old, accommodation to the world...


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