How does the Proverbs 31 woman translate to modern times?

By Anna Wood - Posted at Femina Sola Gratia:

Proverbs 31 woman is timeless

The Word of God is sufficient, inerrant, and infallible. This means that it doesn’t change, speaks to all people in all times, is without error and is incapable of being wrong; thus God’s Word never fails to speak to God’s will or to accomplish His will. Hence, we can know that God’s Word to women, including in Proverbs 31, is both what God wanted women to know and to be when it was written and that it remains so today.

God’s Word is truth

God’s Word has been maligned and twisted, denied and explained away. Feminism has so attacked and assaulted the Word of God and His church that much of what we think we know about the Word of God is instead man’s word.

A drop of poison in a glass of pure spring water, though it might be tasteless and colorless and only a tiny drop, still makes that water poison. We can add nothing to nor take anything from Scripture and have it remain pure.

Yet this is exactly what we’ve tried to do.

The poison of feminism has destroyed our understanding of womanhood. Almost all of the books, articles, podcasts, blogs, and such written to or addressed to or produced for women is poisoned by feministic leanings, interpretations, and understanding. This isn’t my opinion; this is fact.

All you have to do to see this is to look at all of the heretofore mentioned offerings to women that have been produced in the last several decades and compare them to those written to and for women in previous decades and centuries. Though it is true that there have been some worthy works for women over the last century, they are few and far between. We must keep this in mind.

So where does that leave us?

To know truth, we must be dedicated to studying truth and letting it, and not our own desires, understandings, or beliefs, teach us, mold us, and we must adjust our lives to it rather than it to us.

If we want to understand the Proverbs 31 and how it relates to women today, first we must understand what it says. Let’s read it.


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