A Pastoral Response to the Saugus High School Shooting

Saugus Campus - Wikipedia

On November 14th a terrible tragedy struck the city of Santa Clarita as a student at Saugus High School shot and killed classmates before turning a gun on himself. Two students were killed a few more injured and the shooter himself was killed by suicide.

Events like these are beyond tragic. Yet God in His Sovereignty uses even events like these for His glory. I am always thankful when God rises us the church to respond biblically to these situations. An email written by Josh Petras to his staff (he is the High School Pastor at Grace Community Church in Los Angeles) was forwarded to me and I thought it would encourage you as it did me (with Josh’s permission).

Grace Church has several students who attend Saugus High School and I’m thankful God has put Josh there to help them think biblically in such a difficult time as this.
Good morning staff, 
I will not try to wax eloquently as I reflect about this past Thursday. It was a sad day. I’m so thankful that all our people at Saugus we found to be safe, and I’m so sad for the parents of those who died. Thursday was heavy, and it will continue to be heavy for both students and parents. It is heavy for us. For most of our high school students, this is the biggest tragedy that they have faced. 
As Sunday approaches tomorrow, we will have the opportunity to minister to those affected by the shooting, as about half of our students live in Santa Clarita. As they process what just unfolded, here are five truths that Thursday’s tragedy reminds us of.
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