Judge orders Kentucky clerk released

By Associated Press - Posted at One News Now:

GRAYSON, Ky. (September 8, 2015) - After five days behind bars, county clerk Kim Davis was ordered released from jail Tuesday by the judge who locked her up for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning lifted the contempt order but directed Davis not to interfere with the granting of licenses by her deputies.

Bunning's ruling says he's satisfied that Davis' office is complying with court orders to grant marriage licenses, and he ordered her not to interfere with that business. In Davis' absence, deputy clerks have been issuing the licenses. Five of the six deputies told Bunning in court that they would agree to do so, although some were reluctant and cited religious beliefs. Bunning's ruling requests updates on the five deputy clerks' compliance from their lawyers every 14 days.

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