Preterism Exposed: the Heresy of Hymenaeus

 By Nathan Eshelman - Posted at Gentle Reformation:

I hope to present a polemic against what is called Full Preterism. Let me begin with some definitions. Polemics are that part of theology that deals with controversy and false doctrine as the Christian minister is called to contend for the faith and as a shepherd. A shepherd is called to kill wolves and to kick the dogs while protecting and comforting the sheep. As the heresy of full preterism is exposed; the sheep of Christ’s flock will be comforted by the comfort of Jesus Christ and his Spirit.

I want to draw your attention to First Corinthians 15:13-14 which says:

But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.

Full Preterism is the false doctrine or Christian heresy that teaches that all of the last day prophecies ended in 70AD: the second coming, the resurrection, and the great judgment.

It is sometimes called hyper-preterism or covenant eschatology or full preterism. One said “Hyper-preterism is currently gaining a small, but tenacious, cult-like following.”

In other words, preterism says that the resurrection of the dead happened in 70AD and that all the prophecies of the Bible are fulfilled and past. This is based on the idea that the Olivet Discourse—Matthew 24 and its counter parts—has the disciples asking the question, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” The full preterist believes that Jesus spoke not only about the end of the age concerning the Temple; but all things were fulfilled in 70AD when the Temple was destroyed.

This idea that all of the New Testament prophecy has been fulfilled is because of what is called the New Testament “time stamps.” The preterist misinterprets the already-not yet nature of Christian prophecy, misunderstanding the way that prophecy unfolds in history. Near and “this generation” lose their prophetic effect.

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