LGBT public policy shift appears to be in full swing across U.S.

 By Brandon Porter - Posted at The Pathway:

Published July 17, 2024

NASHVILLE (BP) – A political shift in LGBT policy is evident across the country this week. Legislation passed in California July 15 gives public schools the ability to conceal when students change their names and pronouns. On the same day, the Republican National Convention passed a platform that was stripped of “anti-LBGT” language, policy leaders say.

The California legislation, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom July 15, prohibits school districts from requiring teachers to inform parents when students tells school leaders they want to change their name or the pronouns used to refer to them.

“It protects the child-parent relationship by preventing politicians and school staff from inappropriately intervening in family matters and attempting to control if, when and how families have deeply personal conversations,” Brandon Richards, a spokesman for Newsom told Fox News.

Opponents of the bill quickly expressed outrage.

“Governor Newsom’s signing of AB 1955 is a direct assault on the safety of children and the rights of their parents. By allowing schools to withhold vital information from mothers and fathers, this bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy,” said Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council.
