The Presence of God and the Authority of Men
By Pastor Benjamin Glaser - Posted at Thoughts From Parson Farms:
Taming the Human Desire to Own the Means of GraceTo get back a little on track with our conversation about the rise of paganism in the twenty-first century we need to ask the question why, why is it growing, why are we even talking about it? It seems like secularism, atheism, and other concepts of life which do not include the spiritual dimension would be more worth our time. There is some truth to that, but in some sense it is important that we not give the atheists any room to put forward the idea that there is no God. They are a bit of a curiosity, kind of like the old freak shows at the carnival. Worth the odd look, but gawking at their screaming into the void gets a little discourteous. The kind of thing where you can feel your grandma give a scowl of disproval if you go around them too much.
Dealing with men and women seeking the devilish blindness of pagan spirituality, whatever form it may take, is where the church, and her leaders need to be focusing at this moment.
If you do any reading into the presence of pagan stuff it seems to primarily be the realm of rich, suburban, white women. This is especially the case when you think of the Celtic stuff which is particularly popular today. However, we would be doing a disservice to the widespread existence of these things in nearly every demographic in our great nation. When asked why many engage in it a Ms. Helen Berger, an academic who studies things recounts:
“The religion is individualistic in many ways,” Berger told me. “You can do your own thing. It’s not signing on to an institutional religion. It’s not signing on to a set of actions or beliefs that you must adhere to.”
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