“Christian Nationalism”: Dump the Term While We Still Can

By Larry Ball - Posted at The Aquila Report:

I am opposed to adopting or using the term “Christian Nationalism” as a response to the present anti-Christian crusade.

The term Christian Nationalist sends the wrong message to both those outside the church and those inside the church. Therefore, I simply do not use the term. I prefer the term Christendom. When I speak of Christendom, surprisingly most people in the church today have never heard of it. I find this ironic because America (with all her warts) at various times in history could be judged as an example of Christendom. We have been living off that borrowed capital for years, but it is hastily running out.

America is at war—not literally as in the shedding of blood. At least, not yet. However, we have not been this divided since the advent of the Civil War. History does tend to repeat itself. It appears to me that total anarchy is on the horizon, and the 2024 presidential election could easily trigger this event.

On the one hand, we have a political party (with a president in the White House) that is pro-abortion up to the point of birth, a proponent of homosexual marriage, and an advocate of the mutilation of children in the name of transgenderism. With this party in power, we are now a nation that is known for Drag Queens teaching children at public libraries, open United States borders, and monetary inflation that steals purchasing power from every household.

On the other hand, we have a second political party in this country that is pushing back on some of these issues, although not all of them. For Bible-believing Christians the present political and social disorder is very appalling. Most biblical Christians have lost hope in both political parties.

Some Christians are looking for a rapture very soon. They believe they will escape what could be a coming calamity. Others, like myself, believe that this is simply the judgment of God on our nation, and this is something we all must face head on.

The issue before us is very simple. America has changed religions. From a nation where political laws were based on the Ten Commandments, our nation has been commandeered by those who despise God’s law. This new religion controls almost all landscapes of our country including the political, the educational, the military, the media, and even the arena of large business corporations. It is quickly infiltrating the church.

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