Are America’s Traditional Moral Pillars Fading Away?
Image Source: The Culture Alternative
By Michael Wilson - Posted at The Culture Alternative:
According to a study by the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University, 6 % of Americans hold to a biblical worldview. Below is a summary their findings on perceptions of morality.Our nation is facing a potential moral freefall unthinkable to earlier generations—with a majority of Americans today no longer embracing values of honesty, respect for the rule of law, the sanctity of life, and traditional sexual morality when facing moral issues.
The latest research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University shows that America is undergoing a radical reshaping of what constitutes morally acceptable behavior, as American adults increasingly reject biblical teaching and absolute moral truth as the basis of moral decision-making. The study finds that American adults are as likely to rely on other people (30%) or their own personal beliefs, feelings, or experiences (31%) as they are religious faith (29%) when making moral choices.
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