Christian Education Curriculum Alert: "Omnibus: 'Pretend you are a slave' part I"

“For a slave to have as much as a written piece of paper (other than a legitimate pass from his master) in his possession was enough to warrant punishment. . . . Slave parents were anxious for their children to learn how to read and write even though such erudition could result in their being sold or put to death.” - ERVIN L. JORDAN
Following up Friday’s post regarding Douglas Wilson’s general incompetence as a historian, as well as the recent entry about the CREC’s false flag, please consider the following homework assignment taken from Omnibus volume III:

Session VIII: Writing  
A Slave Letter  
Pretend you are a slave who lives far away from your family. Write a letter to your wife/husband/ children. Tell them how you are, how you are doing, what your plans are, etc. Or for variation, pretend that you live in the South. You are a faithful Christian and your family has a couple of servants that help with work around the house. Write a letter to a relative or friend in the North who thinks that all slaves are mistreated and beaten. Explain how your family treats your slaves well and your view of slavery in general. (Eds. Douglas Wilson & G. Tyler Fischer, Omnibus III: Reformation to the Present [Lancaster, PA: Veritas Press, 2006], 179)

This “Pretend you are a slave” exercise assumes five conditions:

  1. A literate slave
  2. A married slave who enjoys the freedom to plan his life but is living far away from his family
  3. Slaves as “servants that help with work around the house”
  4. Northerners who believe false propaganda about slavery
  5. A positive view of race-based chattel slavery

However, little or no historical record exists to support these five assumptions. Indeed, the historians championed by Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, as experts on southern slavery contradict these points and even Mr. Wilson denies some of them in his writings. Therefore, in the next few posts I want to quote the historical record and Mr. Wilson to demonstrate the falsehoods in these assumptions and hopefully demonstrate the real lesson this Omnibus exercise intends to teach. In doing this I shall limit myself to the shortlist of historians cited by Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, in his book Black & Tan, to remove doubt about my sources.


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