Amsterdam, the Jews, and Kristallnacht

 By Bill Muehlenberg - Posted at Culture Watch:

Antisemitism, and history repeating itself:

Exactly 86 years ago in Nazi Germany, Kristallnacht took place. On November 9-10, 1938 the Nazis along with Hitler Youth and German civilians went on a rampage, targeting Jews, synagogues and Jewish shops. It was a horrible foretaste of what was to come. The Holocaust Encyclopedia says this about it:

The rioters destroyed hundreds of synagogues, many of them burned in full view of firefighters and the German public and looted more than 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses and other commercial establishments. Jewish cemeteries were a particular object of desecration in many regions. These events became known as Kristallnacht or the “Night of Broken Glass,” named for the shattered glass from store windows that littered the streets after the violence. Almost 100 Jewish residents in Germany lost their lives in the violence. In the weeks that followed, the German government promulgated dozens of laws and decrees designed to deprive Jews of their property and of their means of livelihood even as the intensification of government persecution sought to force Jews from public life and force their emigration from the country.

Today, Jews are being chased and attacked on the streets of numerous Western cities. Now we have Jews who are afraid to walk freely in public or attend universities, because of those screaming “Free Palestine” and shouting “From the river to the sea.” This is happening here in Australia as well.

And the shocking scenes coming out of Amsterdam a few days ago are the latest case of this. There Jews were hunted down and attacked by mobs – mainly Moroccan Muslims – following a soccer match. Recall that Holland has long been known as a country of tolerance, and it has had a record of harbouring and protecting various peoples, including the Jews.

But all that seems to be changing. With almost wide-open borders, unchecked immigration, and reckless multiculturalism policies, a flood of Islamic migrants has radically changed the demographics of most European and Western nations.
