Is the Lesser of Two Evils Actually Good?

By Pastor Benjamin Glaser - Posted at Thoughts From Parson Farms:

Finding the Right Level As Christians in the Political World


If you do any kind of research into leaders in foreign countries it becomes apparent quite quickly that few folks in charge can meet even the basic standard the Bible sets forth for how politicians are to live in obedience to God. For example one of the oddest characteristics of Western Europe is that almost none of their national leaders have children, and many are in wicked personal relations of various kinds. It’s almost like the judgment of the Lord is upon them for their abandonment of the covenant. Solomon reminds us, “By justice a king builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts tears it down.” Things are not too much better in the United States. We are constantly hearing reports of everyone from mayors to presidents engaging in immoral behavior. It can’t be that we as believers think any of this is okay. We should be expecting more from those who are supposed to be our foster fathers and nursing mothers.

If we want Jesus to bless our country we need to hope that our leaders reflect this same concern. God is not going to honor blasphemy in life. He will not be mocked.

Sometimes in defense of supporting men who might be good on principle, but bad in action we are told that either their opponent is worse or the ends justify the means. We can make all kinds of excuses for why we need to hold our nose and do what is needed. It’s easy to fall into the same trap that caused Israel to want a king like the nations. This is why we are to be, “. . . sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Acting like the world will not bring us the hope we seek.
