Steven Lawson Removed from Ministry for ‘Inappropriate Relationship’

By Jessica Eturralde - Posted at MinistryWatch:

Pastor, author, and teacher has associations with The Master’s Seminary, Ligonier Ministries

Thursday evening, Trinity Bible Church in Dallas, Texas, announced its pastor, Steven J. Lawson, has been indefinitely removed from his position due to an “inappropriate relationship” with a woman.
“The elders at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas regretfully announce that effective immediately, Steven J. Lawson has been removed indefinitely from all ministry activities at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas,” a statement on the church’s website reads.
The statement goes on to say that “several days ago,” Lawson informed the church elders of the relationship.

Lawson, 73, has served as a pastor for over 40 years, previously leading churches in Arkansas and Alabama before joining Trinity Bible Church in 2018. Lawson is also the founder of OnePassion Ministries, executive editor of Expositor Magazine (a ministry of OnePassion), and author of 33 books.

In his last sermon at Trinity on Sunday, Sept. 15, “Defining True Greatness,” Lawson preached: “You should not judge a man by his one weak moment. You need to look at the whole body of his work. You need to look at his whole message. You need to look at his whole ministry and don’t judge him on one hiccup that happens.”

See also:

This is a good commentary that is applicable to the fall of Dr. Steven Lawson. I think the points made by Dr. Clark have much merit and we can learn from this tragic situation: 
