The Big Difficult: Louisiana & The Ten Commandments

 By Kit Swartz - Posted at Gentle Reformation:

Here we go again with the Ten Commandments. Recent Louisiana state law requires that these commandments be posted in all state supported educational institutions. Perhaps a few comments will help in forming a constructive response to this situation.

First, and most important: the foundational element of the ten commandments is almost always missing from public discourse and display. This most important element is the preface: “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery”. The ten commandments were not given as a means to self-righteous achievement, reward and pride that often seems to be the goal of public displays. Rather, they were given as a consequence of the humbling gift of deliverance from slavery to sin in order to teach God’s people how to live in freedom. The Ten Commandments were given as a manual for freedom for those who were set free by the grace of God.

Many have tried to keep the ten commandments in their own strength and for their own glory, and every one of them has failed miserably. “Don’t try this at home!” should be attached to every display. You will either resort to pretentious hypocrisy or give up in despair. Read about Martin Luther’s prodigious efforts to keep the commandments, his utter failure, his hellish despair and his rescue in Christ. Note that the Beatitudes of Christ extend these blessings with an even deeper freedom.

Jesus Christ is the only one who could and did keep these commandments perfectly. As such, He alone can rescue us from slavery to our sin and for freedom in His righteousness. In His death, He paid off the penalty of the violations of the commandments for all who trust Him. His resurrection proves that He also paid up the dues of obedience to the commandments for all who give themselves wholeheartedly to Him. He is the true Passover Lamb who was perfect and without blemish and who was sacrificed so that the people of God would be freed from slavery to sin in Egypt and freed for obedience to righteousness in the Promised Land as outlined in the ten commandments. He gives believers His Holy Spirit to empower us through His means of grace (word & sacrament with praise & prayer, all in the fellowship of the visible church) to enjoy this freedom in obedience.
