The Magic [Mushroom] Kingdom: Psychedelics’ Pagan Ethos & Eschatology

Published May 20, 2024

“Antidotes to Idolatry” – Part 5
“Psychedelics are the next yoga.”[1]
“All this tripping [is] overseen by shamans and sitters.”[2]
“Turn on, Tune in, Drop out.”[3]
Utopia, The Perennial Heresy[4]
Fungi fun!! Tripping for self-development!! Why not? It’s organic, all natural, and a projected $11.0B global industry by 2027![5] This promises to be a real health – and wealth – game-changer,
“a win-win all round,” [Wilson] adds. “We’re making [psychedelic] products that are going to help people: That’s pretty rad.”[6]
This is the effusive pitch of JJ Wilson, eldest son of LuluLemon billionaire, Chip Wilson. JJ explains that his own microdosing experiences with psychedelics “have created openings for me to ‘get out of my own way.’[7]

Wilson has capitalized and is seeking to capitalize on the growing – and soon to be legal – commercialization of psychedelics: psilocybin (mushrooms[8]), MDMA (“ecstasy”), and ketamine. Promises abound, predicting relief for PTSD, trauma, and depression – bringing a problem free heaven to earth – without God. Is this a budding medical miracle for some, the gateway to a better society for everyone, or simply veneer for a new generation of trust-baby neo-hippies to trip?

In reality, this trend comprises the latest Gnostic and pagan spiritual effort seeking to erect utopia here and now: a new earth without God. It’s really not new, but today it’s monetized, saddled with promises, and trendy. Let’s get to the gist.
