A Godly Mother’s Prayer

By Robb Brunansky - Posted at The Cripplegate:

We see throughout Scripture the high value God places on mothers.

The first woman in history was named Eve, which means “the mother of all the living.” Adam gave her this name because, of all the significant things about her, the one thing that most captured his attention was that Eve was created by God to be the mother of humanity.

When we skip ahead to Exodus, we meet Moses’ mother. She made the unbearable sacrifice of nursing her baby boy until he was weaned, knowing he would then be taken as one of the royal babies in Pharoah’s court. Her actions show the importance of a mother giving birth to and protecting her children, sacrificing herself for their good.

And who could forget Mary, the mother of Jesus our Lord? She believed the Word of God – although it was impossible to understand from a human point of view – and she had the highest privilege of any mother who ever lived, giving birth to the Son of God and being His mother.

Another mother in Scripture who was a model of godly character is Hannah. Her story is brief, but her impact on the divine significance of motherhood is massive.

Hannah’s exemplary character is displayed clearly in 1 Samuel 2, with her prayer of praise after God had answered her request for a son. In this prayer, we find the heart every godly mother should imitate as they seek to honor the Lord in raising their children. There are four truths in Hannah’s prayer about the character of a godly mother.

Read more here.
