By Allen and Julie Quist - Posted at Christian News:

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is widely used in public schools and is now infiltrating private schools, including Christian schools. This article will examine the suitability of SEL in any school, and especially in Christian schools. But first we need to understand what SEL is. It is defined, at least in theory, in a recent article in Education Week, 2023, called: “What is SEL Anyway? Seven Experts Break it Down.” This Education Week article, however, does not actually define SEL; it does mention processes like “control emotions,” “build self-esteem,” and “facilitate empathy.”

What then is SEL? As we will see below, SEL is a radical education program that indoctrinates kids with the basic principles of cultural Marxism. The godfather of cultural Marxism, Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), said that for the Marxist revolution to succeed, it must take control of the educational program of targeted nations. SEL is a key component of the cultural Marxist takeover of our education system (as are the new Minnesota Teacher Licensing standards).

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