Four Dead in Ohio
By Al Baker - Posted at Forget None Of His Benefits:
“For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and the kings to the brightness of your rising.” -Isaiah 60:2,3
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming
We’re finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio.
Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?[1]
On Thursday, April 30, 1970 President Richard Nixon announced on national television that he was directing our military to invade the nation of Cambodia, which Nixon said was harboring, aiding, and abetting the North Vietnamese in their war against South Vietnam and the United States. His announcement immediately stirred up the anti-war movement, especially on college campuses around the U.S. Until then it seemed that Nixon was de-escalating the war by bringing troops home, but this was a strong turn of events which angered many.
So right away demonstrations sprung up on campuses across the United States, including Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. On May 1, 500 students and faculty at Kent State gathered on the Commons to bury a copy of the Constitution, symbolizing Nixon’s violation of our constitution by invading Cambodia without a declaration of war. Of course, President Kennedy did not have a declaration of war either when he sent the first 7000 troops to Vietnam in 1962. That Friday night things got ugly in downtown Kent when students, many of them drunk, taunted the local police and broke windows in many business establishments. The police drove the students back to campus.
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