They make such excuses: Exhibit B, Aimee Byrd

 By Elizabeth Prata - Posted at The End Time:

AIMEE BYRD is a woman that has been in spiritual decline for a few years. At least, public evidence of a decline has been observed for a few years, the inward decline was probably a lot longer. Her 2020 book, Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: How the Church Needs to Rediscover Her Purpose was a huge red flag.

‘There are significant problems with Byrd’s interpretation of the important passages about biblical manhood and womanhood, passages she does not even address in the book. Worse, the entire thrust of Byrd’s book is in the direction of feminism”, as this reviewer (and many others!) noted.

A month after her book was published, her long-time broadcast/podcast partner, Reformation 21, announced they had dropped her from the podcast.

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