Christian Apologist Beaten Unconscious in Kampala, Uganda

Charles Kamya was beaten unconscious in Kampala, Uganda on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022. 
(Morning Star News)

 Posted at Morning Star News:

Muslim extremists tried to kill him prior to debate, he says

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists on Saturday (Jan. 29) stopped an evangelist on his way to participate in a debate about Christianity and Islam in Kampala, Uganda and beat him unconscious, he said.

Charles Kamya, 43, said he was about 300 meters from the open-air debate site in the Bwaise area of Kampala when two men stopped his car.

“I stopped my car only to be ambushed by six other Muslims in Islamic attire who resurfaced from the bush at around midday,” Kamya told Morning Star News from his hospital bed.

He said one of the assailants told him, “You have been terrorizing our religion. Today Allah has called you, and you are going to meet him.”

“Some beat me badly while others cut me with some objects, and I lost a lot of blood as they pulled me out of my car and threw me out,” he said.
