How Do I Live as a Christian in 2021?

By Pastor Thomas F. Booher - Posted at The TULIP Driven Life:

An audio recording of what follows can be listened to here:

Many Christians simply do not know how to live as faithful Christians on a day-to-day basis. This may be you, and you may even wonder what it even means to live day-by-day as a Christian. You may wonder if what you are doing with the bulk of your life, time, and energy, is really pleasing to God. Churches have taught many to ride from one high to the next, sustaining them on nothing but "mountain-top" spiritual experiences.

This is discouraging, for living as a Christian isn't about one ecstatic moment after another. As young Christians get older, they realize that life is a lot less about "holy moments" and more about living faithfully to the Lord in the little things. Being "on fire" for Jesus doesn't usually land you a job, a spouse, a house, strong friendships, a genuine sense of community and belonging, or sustain you against your sinful and selfish desires.

In short, that flame of fire is quickly quenched by the realities of life.
