Surprise 'Coming Out' Middle School Assembly Angers Parents

Van Buren Middle School

By Linda Harvey - Posted at Mission: America:

Most parents don’t like to be the last to know what’s being presented to their children, and Dayton, Ohio-area families were appalled to learn about a school-wide assembly held at a middle school.

No advance parental notice was given for this event held in conjunction with homosexual/transgender National Coming Out Day. As I have mentioned in previous articles, schools are regularly observing special days and weeks as part of a coordinated “LGBT” agenda directed to America’s children.

It all happened at Van Buren Middle School in Kettering, a Dayton suburb. An 11-year-old boy reported to his mom that a special speaker addressed the students. Actor/author Maulik Pancholy related his experience believing he was “gay” back in 6th grade and now encourages students to embrace their own homosexual feelings. He’s written a book called The Best At It.

Yes, that’s right. Sixth graders are now being encouraged to announce a homosexual identity.
