Colorado Voters Elect Nation’s First Openly Homosexual Governor

By Heather Clark - Posted at Christian News Network:

DENVER, Co. — Voters in Colorado have elected the nation’s first openly homosexual governor, choosing Democrat Jared Polis 52 percent over Republican challenger Walker Stapleton, who obtained 45 percent of the vote.

Jared Polis, who raises two children with his partner, Marlon Reis, has been serving in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2009. He made clear during his campaign that homosexual rights are an important issue to him and noted his record of either writing or working to pass legislation protecting homosexuals and those who identify as transgender.
“Jared worked across the aisle to eliminate the discriminatory ban on openly gay military service members, and he’s fighting back against Trump’s despicable ban on transgender Americans serving in the military,” Polis’ website states. 
“Jared fought for years for marriage-equality legislation, and after the Obergefell victory in 2015, he and his family celebrated on the Supreme Court steps,” it outlines.
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