Decidedly Pro-"Abortion" SC State Senator, Pastor, Clementa Pinckney, and Eight Other Men and Women, Tragically Murdered in Mass Shooting at Charleston, SC

Originally written June, 17, 2015.

Columbia Christians for Life ( CCL )
Columbia, South Carolina
June 18, 2015

Decidedly Pro-"Abortion" SC State Senator, Pastor, Clementa Pinckney, and Eight Other Men and Women, Tragically Murdered in Mass Shooting at Charleston, SC historic church building - June 17, 2015


While offering condolences and prayers for the Pinckney family and the families of the other eight men and women who were heartlessly murdered in Charleston, SC, the truth needs to be told regarding Senator Pinckney's voting record in the SC Senate.

Whatever SC State Senator, Pastor, Clementa Pinckney, did for "the least of these" who were already born, he did not apply the well-known admonition of the Word of God in Micah 6:8, which Senator Pinckney himself reportedly quoted in the SC State Senate chamber, "to do justly", to the innocent, voiceless unborn in the wombs of their mothers.

Senator Pinckney did not work for, but rather voted against, Establishing Justice for "the least of these" innocent, voiceless unborn children who are murdered in the wombs of their mothers.


Senator Clementa C. Pinckney

  • Pastor, Mother Emanuel AME Church, Charleston
  • Residing in Ridgeland
  • Born July 30, 1973 in Beaufort
  • Son of John and the late Theopia (Stevenson) Pinckney
  • Allen University, B.A., 1995
  • Princeton University Research Fellow, Summer, 1994
  • University of South Carolina, Master of Public Administration, 1999
  • Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, 2008
  • October 23, 1999 married Jennifer Benjamin, 2 children, Eliana and Malana
  • Board of Directors, Southern Mutual Insurance Company


SC State Senator, Pastor, Clementa Pinckney was decidedly Pro-"Abortion" in the exercise of his power and authority as a South Carolina State Senator, voting against not only principled Personhood legislation, but even speaking and voting against weak "abortion regulation" legislation which those who work to incrementally regulate child-murder-by-"abortion" favor.

Senator Pinckney did not vote against such incremental, "abortion regulation" legislation because it did not uphold the sanctity of life ( which is the correct reason to vote against such un-Biblical measures ), but because for him even such incremental measures were too anti-"abortion" ( i.e., too pro-life ! ).

God says, "Thou shalt not kill (murder)." Exodus 20:13, KJV

The Bible ( the Word of God ) says, "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: ..." Proverb 813, KJV

Here are two examples of Senator Pinckney's anti-life voting record over the course of five years:

1) May 19, 2015 vote against the weak, incremental "abortion regulation" measure ( H.3114 - 20 week, so-called "Pain Capable" legislation ), on Second Reading along with six other SC Senators, among whom are the most extremely "Pro-Abortion" in the 46-member SC State Senate [ e.g., Hutto, Kimpson, Lourie ]


05/19/15 Senate Roll call Ayes-37 Nays-7 ( Senate Journal-page 23)
NAYS - 7

Coleman, Creighton B.
Hutto, C. Bradley
Johnson, Kevin L.
Kimpson, Marlon E.
Lourie, Joel
Nicholson, Floyd
Pinckney, Clementa C


2) April 13, 2010 vote against principled Personhood legislation, voting to table the Recall Motion offered by Senator Lee Bright to pull the Personhood Bill ( S.450) bill out of the Senate Judiciary Committee where it was blocked by former SC State Senator ( from Charleston ) Glenn McConnell.


SC Senate Journal
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Voting AYE ( Yes ) to Table ( Kill ) the Recall Motion:

Martin, Larry


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

(Audio) SC Senate debate and 24 - 18 vote against motion to Recall Personhood Bill ( S.450) - April 13, 2010
- Republican-Majority SC Senate rejects opportunity to advance Personhood Bill; abandons pre-born children
- Over 40% ( 12 out of 27) of SC Senate Republicans voted against Recall effort led by Christian Pro-Life Senator Lee Bright

  • Part 1 (1:20 min.) - Religious exercise ("prayer") by Senate chaplain, Dr. James St. John (PCUSA minister - Columbia)
  • Part 2 (14:26 min.) - Recall motion by Senator Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg); Rant in opposition by Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston)
  • Part 3 (19:28 min.) - Senator Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) - primary sponsor of SC Personhood Bill ( S.450) ( Note: Bright incorrectly stated MT and ND each passed Personhood legislation into law )
  • Part 4 (10:34 min.) - Senator Jake Knotts (R-Lexington) attack on Senator Lee Bright and Personhood Bill ( S.450) ( Note: Knotts incorrectly identifies the Bible verse he is misusing to justify killing rape babies; it is Psalm 127:3 )
  • Part 5 (3:54 min.) - Senator Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) makes correction (MT and ND each passed Personhood in one chamber, not both)
  • Part 6 (3:10 min.) - Senator Larry Grooms (R-Berkeley) - "... 50 million people, people, human beings, have perished in their mother's womb ... 50 million ..." ( Note: Grooms incorrectly identifies the year of Roe vs. Wade; it is 1973 )
  • Part 7 (16:34 min.) - Anti-Personhood Bill Senator Chip Campsen (R- Charleston) opposes Roe, but preaches federal supremacy of SCOTUS decisions ( Note: Campsen incorrectly identifies the year of the "Roe v. Wade of birth control", Griswold vs. Connecticut; it is 1965 )
  • Part 8 (2:36 min.) - Pro-Abort Senator Phil Leventis (D-Sumter) preaching government socialism over justice for all pre-born human beings
  • Part 9a (3:26 min.) - Motion to Table Senator Bright's Recall Motion by Pro-Abort Senator Brad Hutto (D-Orangeburg); Roll Call vote
  • Part 9b (4:40 min.) - Final Tabling motion vote tally, 24 - 18 in favor of tabling (killing) Personhood Bill Recall motion; Senate Adjourns (Note: Christian Pro-Life Senator Larry Grooms voted "Nay" to motion to Table)


Post and Courier ( Charleston, SC )

Clementa Pinckney, state senator, pastor, dead in shooting
Jun 18 2015 8:38 am Jun 18 9:24 am

Senator Clementa Pinckney is shown on the Senate floor in this 2014 file photo.
Grace Beahm/Staff

The Rev. [ sic - Psalm 111:9, KJV ] Clementa Pinckney, the pastor at Emanuel AME Church and a state senator, was among those killed in the mass shooting Wednesday night in Charleston, clergy and fellow lawmakers say.


The Rev. [ sic - Psalm 111:9, KJV ] Joseph Darby is presiding elder of the 33 churches in the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s Beaufort District, which includes the Charleston area and Emanuel AME Church. After having stayed awake most of the night after the shooting to comfort church members, Darby described the killings as “craziness, just craziness. It’s been a crazy blur.”

Darby, along with other ministers, will be leading a special service for the victims, today at Morris Brown AME Church, just blocks from Emanuel AME. In a letter to AME churches and pastors, Darby also confirmed that Pinckney was among those killed.

Pinckney, 41, is married and has two children. He was a Democratic member of the S.C. Senate.


A black mourning cloth has been draped over Pinckney’s seat in the Senate chamber, according to reports from the Statehouse.

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All Rights Reserved.


Post and Courier ( Charleston, SC )

Nine shot, multiple fatalities reported in downtown church shooting
Jun 17 2015 9:51 pm Jun 18 12:03 am

Scene of church shooting at 9 p.m. at 110 Calhoun Street, site of Mother Emanuel AME Church. (Matthew Fortner/staff)

Nine people were shot, some fatally, inside one of Charleston’s oldest and most well known black churches tonight. A bomb threat complicated the investigation and prompted police to ask nearby residents to evacuate.

Reporters and other onlookers huddled at the scene awaiting details on what could prove to be one of the worst mass shootings in South Carolina history.

· Scene of shooting

Mayor Joe Riley confirmed there were fatalities.

“We’re still gathering information so it’s not the time yet for details,” he said. “I will say that this is an unspeakable and heartbreaking tragedy in this most historic church, an evil and hateful person took the lives of citizens who had come to worship and pray together.”

Riley said city police were being assisted by sheriff’s deputies, the State Law Enforcement Division and the FBI.

Police and emergency vehicles swarmed several blocks surrounding Henrietta and Calhoun streets, just east of Marion Square. Barricades blocked off several streets to traffic, and police asked nearby residents to leave their homes.

The shooting occurred around 9 p.m. inside Emanuel AME Church at 110 Calhoun St. Police were seen exiting the 19th century church, and their presence extended blocks beyond the site.

Police were still looking for the gunman late Wednesday, and helicopters are hovering above. Police spokesman Charles Francis described the suspect as a 21-year-old white male in a gray sweatshirt/hoodie and jeans with Timberland boots. He has a slender build.


[Pro-"Abortion"] State Sen. Marlon Kimpson, D-Charleston, said he has been talking with Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon and said, “It’s my understanding that there are some very serious injuries and possibly deaths.”

Kimpson is the Democratic colleague of Sen. Clementa Pinckney, who is the church’s pastor and was believed to be inside during the shooting. Kimpson said he is praying for Pinckney and for “our Mother Emanuel AME church,” as it’s affectionately called by many parishioners. It is the South’s oldest black congregation south of Baltimore.

Enlarge Officers are searching for a suspect in shooting that happened at 9 p.m. at 110 Calhoun Street, site of Mother Emanuel AME Church. (Matthew Fortner/staff)

“I ask the nation to keep Charleston in our prayers,” he said.

Police are looking everywhere in groups on Henrietta Street, in trash cans and under cars. Henrietta runs behind the church, just north of Calhoun.

A huge police and ambulance presence exists with officers wearing bullet-proof vests and carrying guns.

Officials have told people to go indoors or drive away from the area, and several police cars are present on the streets several blocks from the church.


Pinckney was in Columbia earlier in the day for the Legislature’s continued session but returned to Charleston and was in the church for a service at the time of the shooting, a Statehouse Democratic caucus member said.

Pinckney, 41, was elected to the S.C. House of Representatives in 1996 at the age of 23.

In 2000, he was elected to the state Senate at 27. His Senate district includes southern Charleston County and parts of Jasper, Beaufort, Colleton, and Hampton counties.

The [ sic - Psalm 111:9, KJV ] Rev. Joe Darby, former longtime pastor of Morris Brown AME several blocks away, was at his Charleston home when he heard the news.

He rushed to the Embassy Suites Hotel around the corner from the shooting to join fellow church members in his district. Darby now is presiding elder of the 33 churches in the AME Church’s Beaufort District.


The church’s history, so interwoven with Charleston’s, begins around 1816 when Morris Brown, a free shoemaker and devout Methodist, walked out of a predominantly white and racially segregated Methodist Church in Charleston.

Brown formed the African Methodist Episcopal Church of Charleston, now Emanuel AME Church on Calhoun Street. Since that day, the AME Church has proven pivotal in South Carolina in matters of faith and social justice.

Denmark Vesey was a founding member who led failed slave rebellion that drove the church underground for decades, Darby said.

Someone reported the plot to authorities and during the chaos and paranoia that ensued, the church was burned. Congregants slipped underground to worship until 1865 when the church formally reorganized and adopted the name Emanuel.

As the shock of the shooting began to sink in, Riley said, “I know I speak to all the citizens of our community as I express my most heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the Emanuel AME church members who were killed tonight. We will comfort and support them as we work through this time of great heartbreak.”

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All Rights Reserved.


Post and Courier ( Charleston, SC )

A historic church suffers a horrific new chapter
Jun 18 2015 1:21 am Jun 18 2:07 am

The Rev. [ sic - Psalm 111:9, KJV ] Clementa Pinckney stands inside Emanuel AME Church shortly after he was named its new pastor in 2010. Pinckney also serves as a state senator. Staff/file

Emanuel AME Church, scene of Wednesday night’s shootings, is the oldest AME church in the South and is affectionately called “Mother Emanuel.”

Its white Gothic Revival building on Calhoun Street is the spiritual home to one of the oldest and largest black congregations south of Baltimore and is deeply rooted in the nation’s historic fights for civil rights.

Its story, so interwoven with the Holy City’s broader history, begins about 1816 when Morris Brown, a free shoemaker and devout Methodist, walked out of a predominantly white and racially segregated Methodist Church in Charleston, an AME Church website states.

Brown formed the African Methodist Episcopal Church of Charleston, now Emanuel AME. Since that day, the AME Church has become pivotal in South Carolina in many matters of faith and social justice.

Denmark Vesey, a founding member, led a tragically failed 1822 slave rebellion that drove the church underground for decades, said the Rev. [ sic - Psalm 111:9, KJV ] Joe Darby, presiding elder of the AME Church’s Beaufort District and former longtime pastor of nearby Morris Brown AME.


That rebellion was set for June 16, 1822. The shooting happened June 17.

After someone reported Vesey’s plot to authorities, the church was burned during the chaos and paranoia that ensued. Its members slipped underground to worship more safely until 1865, when the church formally reorganized and adopted the name Emanuel.

It comes from the Hebrew name meaning, “God with us.”

But late Wednesday, police swarmed the church, with its renowned steeple and elevated entrance, as terrified church members waited at a nearby hotel to learn who had been inside when a shooter opened fire.

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