Christians May Lose Their Legal Defense
By Pastor Shawn Mathis - Posted at Caffeinated Thoughts:
Less than a decade ago, few would have imagined homosexual marriage would become the law of the land.
Maybe the same will be written ten years from now, only about the absence of Christian lawyers and judges.
That’s right. The Second Sexual Revolution is not satisfied with just excluding Christians from the service industry as florists, photographers and bakers—it is excluding the law profession, too.
Part of the groundwork was laid almost twenty years ago in Stropnicky v. Nathanson. This Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling determined that attorneys are part of the “public accommodation” clause in an existing anti-discrimination law. The feminist lawyer defending her freedom to accept only female clients lost. But the irony was likely not lost on the feminist.
Fast forward to today. The American Bar Association is currently considering tightening their conduct rules to include sexual orientation and gender identity, even of “gender expression.”
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