18 Reasons the Abortion Industry is Losing Its Support

By George Grant - Posted at Ligonier Ministries:

Why does it seem that the abortion industry’s grassroots support is slipping at the very moment when its power and resources have reached their zenith? At least part of the reason may be the very nature of the abortion business itself—along with the inevitable fallout that accompanies it. Consider:

  • During the summer and fall of 2015, a series of undercover videos revealed the true nature of the grisly abortion trade. Planned Parenthood, the oldest, largest, and best-organized provider of abortion services and the world’s most profitable non-profit organization scandalized the nation as its brutal, callous, and brazen practices were graphically exposed. Even many supporters of a woman’s “right to choose” were shaken by the spectral horror of baby-parts for sale juxtaposed in the videos with a flippant commercial disregard for the health and safety of women.
  • As a result, though the politically protected international abortion business has grown into a massive multi-billion dollar industrial complex, its business is more divisive and polarizing than ever. A great divide persists. Despite its obvious political clout, its cavernously deep corporate pockets, and its carefully crafted public relations efforts the abortion industry has yet to prevail in the battle for the hearts and minds of most Americans. Public opinion polls conducted in the aftermath of the Planned Parenthood scandal found that 55 percent of Americans now call themselves “pro-life” on the issue of abortion while only 38 percent are willing to call themselves “pro-choice.” And just over 60 percent of those polled favored congressional and state efforts to de-fund Planned Parenthood—stripping the organization of its massive tax-payer largess.
  • But, the PR disaster prompted by the videos only accelerated a trend that was already gaining momentum. In 2005, 59 percent of respondents agreed it would be good to reduce abortions. Five years later more than 65 percent took this view, an increase of 6 points. Another poll taken before the Planned Parenthood scandal found fewer Americans, and fewer pro-life advocates were willing to compromise on abortion by finding some “middle ground.” Indeed, support for finding a middle ground on the abortion issue was already down 12 points among conservatives and 6 percent among all Americans.
