Public Schools Promote What Scripture Forbids

By Al Benson Jr. - Posted at Revised History:

Very recently I read an article on written by Bob Unruh about a sodomite group in Scotland that is promoting a petition which demands that children from kindergarten on up be forced to “learn about homosexual, bi-sexual and transgender issues.” The moderator of the Free Church of Scotland labeled the proposal “a Trojan horse to impose an ideological perspective on all pupils.” He was right. This petition, circulated by a sodomite activist group, Time for Inclusive Education, wants children, from their earliest years of schooling to be indoctrinated in that which Holy Scripture forbids. I guess you could say those people have an agenda and it is clearly anti-Christian.

But that’s Scotland, you say, we don’t have to worry about that over here. Our public schools would never do anything like that, and besides, the school my kids go to has a Christian teacher or two and a great band program. What else matters?

Folks, I hate to rain on your parade, but this sort of thing is going on in this country also and, unfortunately, it’s nothing new. It has been going on for decades. Ask the people of Kanawha County, West Virginia about their textbook protest in the mid-1970s.


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