
By Dr. Joseph Mizzi - Just for

"The way we treat others is a sign of our attitude to God in whose image we are made. We cannot be ‘for God’ unless we are also ‘for life’ – from its beginning to its end, from conception to death."

We have the unique privilege of being created in the image of God. All of us carry the likeness of our Creator (Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 5:1-2; Genesis 9:6; James 3:9). For this reason we ought to respect one another.

Moreover I will be greatly offended is someone spits on and tears a photograph of my wife, even though it’s just a picture. Even so, when someone mistreats, injures or kills a fellow man, God considers such behaviour as an affront against him (see Genesis 9:6).

The way we treat others is a sign of our attitude to God in whose image we are made. We cannot be ‘for God’ unless we are also ‘for life’ – from its beginning to its end, from conception to death.

What does it mean to be pro-life? It means to celebrate the gift of life given to us by the Lord. Despite the sorrows and pains that come our way, we need to learn to enjoy all that is beautiful and good, with thanksgiving and a grateful heart. We need to care about others too. We are pro-life if we do everything possible to help, support and protect the life of other people, whoever they may be.

May we open our eyes to see in each other the image of our Maker. Let us set aside every prejudice. We are first of all human beings, irrespective of skin colour, nationality, social status, educational level, age, sex, disability, political affiliation, conduct, character, sexual orientation, religion or any other category that you can think of.

You are a man or a woman, and simply because you are a human being, it is my privilege and solemn duty to respect and love you, and in so doing I express love and glorify God our Creator.

This principle applies to all people, but in particular, to those among us that are small, weak and vulnerable – the unborn children. Let us defend their precious life! Although hidden in the mother’s womb, the unborn child already bears the image of him who is making and knitting her with such amazing skill and love

Gospel e-Letter (October 2015) © Dr Joseph Mizzi


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