Obama Promises “Executive Action” on Gun Control
By Gun Owners of America
Oregon Residents Rebuke the President
You probably remember the now-infamous mantra that we’ve heard from this White House: “You never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Well, the President traveled to Oregon today [10.09.2015] to further politicize the tragic shooting that occurred there last week.
But residents of Roseburg are not amused, and they are decrying the President’s visit today.
Over 8,000 people have signed onto a website declaring that the President is “not welcome” in Oregon today.
Some massacre survivors are boycotting the President. Some have told him to “quit with the gun control.”
The father of one shooting victim said, “I’ve spoken to my family and for myself and for my family, my daughter [who was shot last week] and son, on principle I find that we are in disagreement with his policies on gun control and therefore we will not be attending the visit.”
Other residents are protesting the President’s actions by buying new firearms. Gun sales are up since the Roseburg slayings.
It seems that opposition to the President’s gun control push is coming from multiple places -- not just the “gun community.” Last Sunday, many churches in the greater Roseburg area were preaching on “God and guns.”
“Most Americans find it very offensive to hear the President use a tragedy like this, and instantly turn it into a political opportunity.” -- Erich Pratt, USA Today, October 5, 2015ACTION: The President is trying to make an end-run around Congress and impose gun control by “Executive Action.” Please click here and use the pre-written letter to demand that Representatives make sure the new Speaker of the House will use the appropriations process to defund (aka, repeal) every illegal Executive Action on gun control.
Oregon Residents Rebuke the President
You probably remember the now-infamous mantra that we’ve heard from this White House: “You never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Well, the President traveled to Oregon today [10.09.2015] to further politicize the tragic shooting that occurred there last week.
But residents of Roseburg are not amused, and they are decrying the President’s visit today.
Over 8,000 people have signed onto a website declaring that the President is “not welcome” in Oregon today.
Some massacre survivors are boycotting the President. Some have told him to “quit with the gun control.”
The father of one shooting victim said, “I’ve spoken to my family and for myself and for my family, my daughter [who was shot last week] and son, on principle I find that we are in disagreement with his policies on gun control and therefore we will not be attending the visit.”
Other residents are protesting the President’s actions by buying new firearms. Gun sales are up since the Roseburg slayings.
“It’s opened my eyes,” said J.J. Vicari, 19, a survivor of last week’s shooting. “I want to have a gun in the house to protect myself, to protect the people I’m with.”
It seems that opposition to the President’s gun control push is coming from multiple places -- not just the “gun community.” Last Sunday, many churches in the greater Roseburg area were preaching on “God and guns.”
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