O foolish Christian, who hath bewitched you?

By Pamela Couvrette - Posted at Guarding the Deposit:

It’s that time of year again – Halloween – when the forces of evil assault the children of God and destroy peace and joy. It’s a time when Satan and his army are at full strength and the Christian can do little but hope to win the battle against the mighty powers of the enemy.


According to many people in the modern church, that is the truth. In this article, author Jennifer Leclaire writes that Christians can be affected by witchcraft and she advises which signs to be aware of. I generally remain silent about the concerning content of Charisma News, however, I could not remain silent about this article because I have been deceived by teachings regarding the power of Christians and the power of Satan. This high view of man and low view of God is found in the Spiritual Warfare Movement (SWM) (or Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare) that is promoted by teachers and authors such as C. Peter Wagner, Neil Anderson, and Derek Prince. The teachings of this movement are also found in the popular book, This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti. These teachers claim that demons occupy specific, territorial ground and that Christians have the power to bind Satan, pray for hedges of protection, and demolish strongholds. These teachers also explain the various ranks of Satan’s army and how to identify which demons are the cause of problems, according to the demon’s name and assignment. Not only are these teachings dangerous, but they are dishonoring to God who is sovereign and who providentially rules (Isaiah 45:5). Remember friends, we are commanded to test everything and to rebuke false teachers (1Thessalonians 5:21, Titus 1:9). I will not respond to every claim that LeClaire has written – since most of these claims are not found in the Word of God, at best they are speculation. However, I will examine her exegesis of Scripture.

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