Southern Baptists Bail on Kentucky Clerk, Kim Davis

By J.D. Hall - Posted at Pulpit & Pen:

A fish rots from the head, down – The ancient Turkish people, as quoted in James Porter’s Observation on the Religion, Law, Government and Manners of the Turks, 1768.

A great number of Christians are supporting Kim Davis for obeying her conscience and honoring her oath of office by upholding the laws of the commonwealth of Kentucky. Both Southern Baptist presidential primary candidates, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, were outside the jail to greet Davis upon her release. Conservative Christian pundits like Focal Point’s Brian Fischer and the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins have defended Davis for doing her job – submitting to the Kentucky State Constitution which bans gay marriage, in an Amendment that, like the Defense of Marriage Act, was not struck down by the Supreme Court’s judicial precedent in Obergfell v Hodges.

As united as conservative evangelicalism seems to be, however, Kim Davis is not without her detractors. The chief detractor among “conservative” (a word that is quickly losing meaning) Christians is the head ethicist of the Southern Baptist Convention, Russell Moore. Moore, who runs the 7 million dollar budget, Cooperative Program-funded Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, has made it very clear that Kim Davis should have resigned from her position rather than continue to faithfully execute the requirements of her office.

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