9-11 in 2015

By James Atticus Bowden - Posted at Deo Vindice:

How surprising for the suddenly informed and how unfortunate for those who insist on not learning about Islam.

The Muslim attacks on 9-11-01 weren’t a surprise to me. The attack by Muslims and the means – hijacked commercial airliners – were predicted in the Army After Next Wargames in the 90s. The date was the only new news. The commentary in the Wargames was that such attacks were likely from 2005 on. They attacked earlier than expected. The huge, gigantic surprise for me was the appalling ignorance of most Americans about Islam – and the mental and moral acrobatics of the US Government – from the President down – and Establishment to not name Islam as the reason.

Ignorance is no excuse for adults. As a child in the 1950s, I knew when I watched Robin Hood that the good king, Richard the Lion-Hearted, was away fighting the Muslims in the Crusades. I knew the good guys and bad guys as a child. It takes a willful, purposeful ignorance not know Islam has been the enemy of Western Civilization since Mohammed’s first genocidal massacre.

It gets even harder, and worse, to maintain and build on such ignorance after 14 years of evidence – and plenty of time to read learn history.

It becomes dangerous when the truth, about Muslim culture, religion and history, is labeled as bigotry, racism, and hatred. It’s sinister to make the truth censored, ‘verboten’, in public.

Yet, the truth will out.

I’m shocked that it’s taken so long to get so little truth out about Islam.

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