Congressman Randy Hultgren Hails Illinois Resolution to Investigate Planned Parenthood, Supports Bill to Defund Organization Following Video Revelations

Aug 25, 2015 Press Release:

“Planned Parenthood Should Not Receive One More Dime of Taxpayer Dollars”

Washington, DC – In light of recent revelations that Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) apparently sells baby body parts—lungs, livers, hearts—for profit, alters their abortion procedures to ensure such fetal parts are kept intact following an abortion and has harvested the organs of babies with beating hearts, U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) hailed the introduction of Illinois HR 0671, a resolution pushing the state to investigate Planned Parenthood and its abortion procedures. Introduced by State Representative Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton), HR 0671 urges several Illinois agencies to investigate Planned Parenthood's procedures for abortions, obtaining informed consent, and sale or donation of human fetal tissue across the State and to investigate which organizations across the State are involved in purchasing or accepting human fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood.

At the national level, Rep. Hultgren has joined his colleagues in urging the Department of Justice (DOJ) to conduct “an immediate and thorough investigation into the practices of PPFA regarding the sale of fetal body parts.” Further, he has cosponsored H.R. 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015, which would place an immediate moratorium on all federal funding of Planned Parenthood for one year while Congress conducts a full investigation into the organization’s questionable activities. Planned Parenthood receives more than half a billion dollars from U.S. taxpayers and performs more than 350,000 abortions every year.

“Planned Parenthood’s activities deserve an immediate and thorough investigation by both state and federal law enforcement, and I urge Illinois to act quickly on this resolution,” said Rep. Hultgren. “With the organization receiving more than $500 million in taxpayer dollars every year, they must be held accountable and provide detailed information about their fetal organ donation program and procedures, and their modification of abortion techniques to maximize their donations. Regardless of the already brutal and grotesque nature of their abortion procedures on unborn life, what was caught on tape reveals they are apparently engaging in trafficking in human organs—a federal offense. The American people deserve answers. Until we have them, Planned Parenthood should not receive one more dime of taxpayer dollars.”

In calling for an investigation, the letter to DOJ reads: “The release of two graphic online videos that show Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. (PPFA) leadership in conversation with individuals interested in purchasing fetal body parts is deeply disturbing…The harvesting of human fetal body parts for sale is an activity which shocks the conscience. Moreover, the tragic ethical considerations, potential for criminal violations, and involvement of taxpayer subsidies raise issues of great public importance.”

Rep. Hultgren has taken to the House floor to denounce the brutal activities of Planned Parenthood, saying: “Callously discussing a menu of aborted body parts over lunch and red wine demonstrates a new level of depravity.”

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