Franklin Graham: Planned Parenthood Must Go & Politicians Respond
By Michael F. Haverluck - Posted at One News Now:
Franklin Graham says America will pay for Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted body parts, arguing its abortionists have no conscience and should be shut down.
In response to a posted undercover video-gone-viral depicting Planned Parenthood Federation of America Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola stating over lunch how her government-subsidized organization sells the body parts of aborted preborn children, the younger Graham came down hard on the abortion group.
"The people who perform it have no conscience, so I'm not at all surprised that they would be selling organs, tissue and body parts from babies," said Billy Graham Evangelistic Association President Franklin Graham. "Planned Parenthood should be put out of business — they've done enough damage."
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Franklin Graham says America will pay for Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted body parts, arguing its abortionists have no conscience and should be shut down.
In response to a posted undercover video-gone-viral depicting Planned Parenthood Federation of America Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola stating over lunch how her government-subsidized organization sells the body parts of aborted preborn children, the younger Graham came down hard on the abortion group.
"The people who perform it have no conscience, so I'm not at all surprised that they would be selling organs, tissue and body parts from babies," said Billy Graham Evangelistic Association President Franklin Graham. "Planned Parenthood should be put out of business — they've done enough damage."
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