Why Socialism is an Evil?

By Nathan A. Hughes

Published February 5, 2024

In this short paper, I will make the case against socialism and why a Christian should not support socialism as a system of secular government. It is my view that socialism leads to communism and the destruction of the values upheld in the Word of God. There are many examples one could use in the secular world to show how this system of ideas has ruined the society and lives of people under its power. However, the best reasons why a Christian must not support socialism are found in the Holy Bible.

Before I start, I would like to give you the definition of the term. According to an online Dictionary, socialism is, “Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy” and, “A political theory advocating public ownership of the means of production and the sharing of political power by the whole community.” So, what this means is that certain businesses and production are to be owned by the government and the redistribution of wealth. In simple terms, it means that the harder you work and the more money you earn the worst you will become. For example, take a company that has 30 workers. 10 of the workers work very hard and earn the most money and produce the most products. 10 of the workers don’t work that hard and make just enough to get by. The other 10 workers do very little and don’t meet the target of production. In a socialist society, the leader would then average the overall product. Those workers who work less and produce a lesser number of the goods like this system because it will increase their overall number of productions without doing as much as those with the highest number of productions. This brings me to my first point.

1. Socialism is based on materialism

According to Socialism all that really exists, and matters is the material world. In fact, Karl Marx the founder of socialism created the notion of dialectical materialism. This is the belief that matter contains within itself a creative power. This worldview led Marx to believe that suffering in the world is caused by the unequal distribution of material things such as wealth.

The biblical view contradicts this position. Scripture teaches that there is a material world and a non-material world. Scripture also teaches that the greatest problem facing the world is spiritual as a result of sin. The value of life and quality of life is not based on how much we have but on our relationship with the living God.


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