George Washington - 1st President of the United States (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799)

 By Mercy Adams - Posted at Mercy Adams Writes:

Published February 22, 2023

Was Christianity an influence in the life of our first president? Please examine the facts and decide for yourself. ~ Mercy Adams

"There was a long tradition of service to the church in the Washington family. George Washington’s great-great-grandfather, Lawrence Washington, was an Anglican minister in England, while his great-grandfather, John Washington, and his father, Augustine Washington, were vestrymen for their parishes in Virginia. Both John Washington and his son, Lawrence Washington (who was George Washington’s grandfather) left statements of their belief in the basic tenets of the Christian faith in their wills.

"In addition, within their home, George Washington’s parents had both a Bible and several theological books, which are believed to have been used in educating their children. His mother, Mary Ball Washington, was remembered by her grandchildren as a devout woman, who liked to visit a quiet spot outside, where she instructed the young people about “the Great Creator of all things, his goodness, his mercy to all who love and obey him.” Another grandchild recalled sitting with her on Sunday evenings as she read to him from the family Bible and he looked through the illustrations. There is no reason to think that she raised her children any differently.

"The Washingtons attended services about once a month at two churches near Mount Vernon. During the Revolutionary War, Washington regularly attended services held by military chaplains and local civilian congregations. Often, when he was traveling, Washington would stop for services at whatever church was nearby, regardless of its denomination. Over the course of his life, he is known to have attended services at churches associated with the following Christian groups: Presbyterians, Quakers, Roman Catholics, Congregationalists, Baptists, and Dutch Reformed.

You may learn more about George Washington's religious beliefs here: George Washington and Religion · George Washington's Mount Vernon and at: 8 Facts about George Washington and Religion · George Washington's Mount Vernon.

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