Breakpoint: Rescuing A Child From Trans Ideology

 By John Stonestreet and Kasey Leander

How far would you go to rescue a child from danger? What if it were your child? What if your child was being harmed by an ideology that taught her to hate her body and question who she was?

While parents are pressured to believe that they must affirm their child’s gender confusion, threatened with legal action, and even told they will be responsible for their child’s self-harm, Erin Friday refused to give up on her 11-year-old daughter when she began to struggle with her identity as female.

Recently, Erin told the remarkable story to Virginia Allen on The Daily Signal Podcast.

It really started for my daughter in seventh grade when she went to her comprehensive sex-ed class at her public school. And unbeknownst to me, a third party comes in and teaches these kids four, five hours—so an hour each day. And one hour was dedicated to gender identity, with the “genderbread man” and all of the pictorials of, you could have a female body and a male brain. And so the seed was planted after that class. And in fact, all of her friends, there were five, sat in my front yard saying what their new labels were.

Erin was, in her words, “gobsmacked.” Having frequently volunteered at her daughter’s school, she found that teachers were committed to pushing radical transgender ideology on students, including her daughter. She soon discovered that male pronouns were being used for her daughter at school and that her daughter was being pitted against her family and parents by teachers.
