DOJ Launches Investigation into SBC Sex Abuse

By Milton Quintanilla - Posted at Christian Headlines:

Published August 15, 2022

Leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention announced on Friday that the Department of Justice is conducting an investigation into sexual abuse within the denomination.

“Individually and collectively, each SBC entity is resolved to fully and completely cooperate with the investigation,” a statement released by the SBC said. “While we continue to grieve and lament past mistakes related to sexual abuse, current leaders across the SBC have demonstrated a firm conviction to address those issues of the past and are implementing measures to ensure they are never repeated in the future.”

According to Religion News Service, the statement was signed by the SBC’s newly elected president, Texas pastor Bart Barber, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler and other seminary presidents, the Executive Committee, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and leaders of the SBC’s International Mission Board and North American Mission Board. Additionally, executives at Lifeway, the SBC’s publishing arm; the Women’s Missionary Union; and GuideStone, also signed the statement.

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